MCG Associates

Business Support Service

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MCG Associates is a vehicle to the services offered by the Institute for Independent Business (IIB).  The IIB is a huge organisation.  Through MCG Associates, you can tap into its resources to the benefit of your business.
There follows a summary of the wide range of services MCG Associates can offer you.  Whilst the list is comprehensive it is by no means exhaustive and certainly cannot convey the personal approach we offer.


  • Business support and advice for the MDO (Managing Director/Owner)
  • Practical advice that works from people who have been in your situation
  • International network of contacts
  • Objective external view of your business' strengths and weaknesses
  • Help solving issues
  • Preparation of business plans
  • Development of business strategies
  • Maximise use of 2485 (currently) grants available (not including loan schemes available)
  • Completion of tasks you know need doing but never get finished or even started
  • Health check on fundamental business systems

All of Which:

  • Gives you time to make more money
  • Helps you and your employees achieve your visions
  • Reduces frustration, reduces sleeplessness
  • Improves success
  • Improves enjoyment

The business support programme is offered at a subsidised rate, however should this programme not be to your needs we can work on a project to project basis at very competitive rates.


MCG Associates         07921788100